But when import finished, it shows 0 record imported. No error occured during the import process. Example: mysqlimport -local -compress -userusername -password -hosthostname \ -fields-terminated-by',' Acme sales. A window pops up that requires you to provide connection details, such as the connection name, connection method, hostname, port, username, and password. In MySQL Workbench, you can connect to any database by clicking the + sign next to MySQL Connections on the home page. Follow the steps below to import a CSV file into a MySQL database via the Graphical User Interface. And it's always working perfectly besides the only I issue Im having now is, there's a CSV file would not get imported. At the moment it is not possible to import a CSV (using MySQL Workbench) in all platforms, nor is advised if said file does not reside in the same host as the MySQL server host. We’ll use MySQL Workbench, one of the most popular GUIs for MySQL. Ignore a column in the source file by assigning it to a user variable and not assigning the variable to a table column LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE my_table_name (column1, column2, column3) 1 I'm using MySql workbench to import CSV files all the time. source file is comma delimited, strings are enclosed by double quotes, lines are terminated by carriage return/newline pairs, has a single header row that has to be ignored LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE my_table_nameįIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES Database is remote LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/user_data.csv' INTO TABLE users (first_name, last_name, email) source file is local, is comma delimited and contains only some columns. The following example exports the sakila.actor table to a CSV file. source file is located in the MySQL Server data directory, is tab delimited, and the columns exactly match the table LOAD DATA INFILE 'user_data.tsv' INTO TABLE users Export table data to either a JSON or CSV file.